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Why I Love Bike Racks

In a recent interview with Mark, TStud/BareNaked/SmallCasitas, Willie, he song the praises of bike racks. In a candid interview, he not only explained why he loved bike racks but rather the understanding of creating sustainable building to achieve better construction for the world.

He explained that in the 80's there was the US EPA, in the 90's Passive House, in the millenium, the California Renewable, and then USGBC, US Green Building Council. They developed LEED building standing for Leadership | Energy | Environmental | Design.

He explained that municipalities were early adopters of LEED buildings. LEED buildings addressed things that normal buildings did not including "SUSTAINABILITY". Green now became a word of the building vocabulary. The building materials changed and there was a checklist involved in achieving the LEED Status.

How does LEED work?

Projects pursuing LEED certification earn points for green building strategies across several categories. Based on the number of points achieved, a project earns one of four LEED rating levels: Certified, Silver, Gold or Platinum. Learn more. Platinum Status = 80+ points earned. Gold Status = 60-79 points earned. Silver Status = 50-59 points earned. Certified Status = 40-49 points earned

Mark is an expert in sustainable design and decreasing carbon footprint and explained that adding a bike rack for transportation was one way that buildings could receive more points in the evaluation of LEED building design. Bike racks provide transportation that does not need any fossil fuels and thereby is a "GREEN" mode.

Mark Wille is the Director of Building Experiences for US Engineered Wood Tstud™ who designs and manufactures Thermally Broken Structural Framing of various measurements. With a background in Custom fabrication for mobile and modified structures; his track record with Design/General Contracting is well known and has achieved many construction firsts. He is the remaining founder of BuildSmartChicago which has evolved from Green to an Off-Site Ministry with education focused on Passive House and Building Science Consulting Teams. The skills of Mark and Wille WOOD Work propelled into Self-Perform projects of existing buildings and development. He is active in the building science community and has retrofitted several residences of varying certifications. New construction, existing building rehabs, product procurement, high-performance assembly solutions, project management, estimating, Pre-Fabs, modified containers, PopUps, and Mobile Architecture are some of the many hats he wears when not welding or being a carpenter.
Mark serves on a variety of boards including Carbon Free 2050, Passive House Alliance, Illinois Green Alliance, Tiny House Alliance USA, Habitat for Humanity Construction Committee, I.G.A. GreenBuilt Home Tour, Legacy Committee of GreenBuild 2018, Rebuilding Exchange Auxiliary Board. Besides knowledge of the trades/ lumberyards and manufacturers, Mark aligned himself with suppliers such as GreenMaker, Green Depot, and Green Home Experts, PlyBam Bamboo, and 475; Currently, his extra time is shared with PASSIVE HOUSE ACCELERATOR, BUILDING SCIENCE #BS Friday LIVE and Tstud™ Radio.
Being an avid materials geek/representative for many years you may have seen him present at The Chicago Center for Green Technology a Trade Show or as a resident carpenter for Craftsman, Tools EXPERIENCE live video series. Speaking at local Universities and working directly with the students is a passion he continues to do each semester, searching for those to carry the torch and continue pursuit of knowledge in the field of construction and sustainability.


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