What attracted you to your role/position? The adventure of being responsible for fast-paced, large scale construction projects for high profile customers. Plus, the idea of traveling and meeting so many different people was a huge attraction!
What are your goals for the next 24 months?
Relationship building and staying true to myself with true and compassionate honesty.
How will this company impact others?
The impact from these construction projects is far reaching. Not only does it improve the living and earning potential in the local area where the construction is being developed, but 1000’s of people are also affected because of the job opportunities with the construction brings by itself. Well after construction everyone of the planet continues to be affected by the products and services that are delivered by this company.
What would you say to other women in construction about breaking the glass ceiling?
Construction is the BEST place to be for women making the largest impact in leadership and creating a new frontier of what is possible for women in the future! It is one of the most unexpected environments for women to be successful, which means that women WILL BE successful and then the world will change with a greater understanding of what it is like to be limitless and to be free to explore the unimaginable and the unstoppable! Women, therefore, are becoming the true leaders. Women are becoming the leadership that the future of leadership will need to look to as others follow and wonder ‘what happened?’. Women are becoming the experts in progress, creativity, and innovation. Don’t be surprised when leadership in construction is dominated by women. This will set the pace and create space for a new world.
What motivates you?
Learning and growing motivates me and construction is where the rubber meets the road for that. Construction is the ultimate relationship builder too because it is the place where all disciplines, job titles, economic status, and potential come together.
Do you have a quote, spiritual practice or inspiration that guides you forward?
Tell us about one of your wins or victories.
I typically walk into every training session (i.e. OSHA 30) thinking I’m the least qualified to pass or succeed and time and time again I usually out-score my counterparts in a shorter period of time.